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Planning Board Minutes 03/03/2005
(603) 798-4350

MARCH 3, 2005

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlaros, Richard DeBold, Stan Brehm, Brad Towle, Tom Jameson, Skip Lawrence, Peter Wade and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board, and requested they review the minutes of February 3, 2005. Motion was made to accept the minutes with the following changes:

Page 2 Second paragraph second line Gagnes remove the apostrophe and again in the 6th line from the bottom of same paragraph. The last sentence to end at January then begin new sentence with The. Page 3 first sentence replace the comma after stamp with a period. Second sentence after soil types replace “but” with “and” Page 4 Public Hearing  Coffey,  Replace “Richard” with “Edward”  Page 5 Discussion Sharon Weston, first sentence after add on add “extra rooms” last sentence add Ms. Weston and remove “Would” add an “s” to need and place a comma after acreage. Discussion Jeanne Viall, first sentence change the “the” between Board and Mr. Chronis to “that” Page 6 Discussion Lindsey Smith, first paragraph last line between the word letter and forthcoming replace “if” with “is”. Discussion Brandon Giuda, first paragraph, forth line place a comma after the word inexpensive.  Page 7 Discussion Brandon Giuda continued; second paragraph to read as follows: Mr. Giuda would prefer to conserve some land which means a new Open Space Conservation Ordinance. These ordinances are now in most towns. The senior housing deeds would state no children in the development. Discussions with the Conservation Commission and Selectmen are needed to consider forming subcommittees. Motion was made to adjourn by Mr. Lawrence and seconded by Ms. McIntosh.

                        Lawrence/Stamowlaros            (Passed)

Motion was made to accept the minutes of January 27, 2005 as written.

                McIntosh/Towle                          (Passed)


DESIGN REVIEW/  Richard & Dorothy Mackin
        Map 7, Lot 9-2, Ferrin Road

Continued to April 2005

DESIGN REVIEW:  Edward & Susan Coffey
Map 4, Lot 171, Smith Sanborn Road & Lovers Lane

Continued from February 3, 2005

Abutters present: Dave Bryer

Ronald Wareing presented plans to the Board. The Road Agent has confirmed that 900 feet of Lovers Lane is a class V road, the driveway entrance for the new lot is only down Lovers Lane 770 feet. Plans have been change to reflect the soils and the soil scientist has given the Board a chart to use for conversion purposes. Both lots have the minimum buildable soils the additional land is over and above the requirement.

The abutter was asked if he would like to review the plan.

Design Review was closed.

PUBLIC HEARING: Edward & Susan Coffey
Map 4, Lot 171, Smith Sanborn Road & Lovers Lane
Continued from February 3, 2005

Abutters present: Dave Bryer

There being no further discussion, motion was made to accept the subdivision.

        Brehm/Lawrence  (Passed)


DESIGN REVIEW:          Kenneth & Lindsay Smith
                Map 7, Lot 24, Durgin Road
Abutters Present: Evelyn Pike

Mark Sargent presented plans for this project. The entire parcel is 10.67 acres will be divided into a 6.61 acre lot with the existing house and having 282.11 feet of road frontage, a 4.06 acre lot with 200 feet of frontage, the entire property is residential soils, their soil scientist will provide a stamp on the plan as well as a letter stating no wetlands exist on the property. The Smiths have NHDES subdivision approval and a driveway permit from the town’s road agent. There will be a stipulation on the deed stating that if the Smiths sell their home the driveway will need to be moved.

The Board reviewed the plans and has requested that Perry Street be changed to Perry Road, setbacks be on the plan for the new lot and driveway and the soil scientist stamp.

The abutter was invited to review the plan.

Design Review closed.

PUBLIC HEARING:         Kenneth & Lindsay Smith
                Map 7, Lot 24, Durgin Road

Abutters Present: Evelyn Pike

Being no further discussion. The following items need to be on the plan:

Perry Street to be changed to Perry Road
Soil Scientists stamp
Set backs for the new lot and driveway

Motion was made to accept the subdivision with the above corrections.

        Lawrence/Towle  (Passed)


DISCUSSION:     David Hartley
        Sign Modifications, Lighting
        Blueberry Hill Plaza
        Map 9, Lot 91A, Suncook Valley Road

Mr. Hartley came to the Board because the internal illuminations for signs states 60 watts of light and he feels that this must be a mistake and would like the Board to review the ordinance. Mr. Hartley makes and installs signs for a living and 60 watts is unheard of, the amount of light emitted from a 60 watt bulb would be unable to illuminate much if any of a large sign. The Board agreed with Mr. Hartley and will review the ordinance.

Mr. Hartley also shared a proposed sign that he would consider constructing if he purchases the property on Route 28, the Board liked the proposal. Mr. Hartley will contact the Board when he is ready to discuss the sign in detail.

DISCUSSION:     Jim Tucker/Super Shoes
        Map 2, Lot 78, Dover Road

Mr. Tucker would like to place florescent lights under the eves of the building for safety and aesthetic purposes. Right now the handicapped ramp has no additional lighting and during the open evening hours it is a concern of the owners that the area is not well lit.

Mr. Tucker is aware of the lighting ordinance and he will remain under the maximum lumens required in the zoning, he will also be required to remove the florescence signs in the windows, and he agrees to this also.

DISCUSSION:     Joe Austin
        Building Model
        Map 3, Lot 68, Dover Road

Mr. Austin has come to the Board for several issues, one is he would like to remove one of the units out of the existing house and add a new building to the plan. No additional units are being added, but a new structure is being added. The Board was in agreement that he must go to public hearing so his abutters are notified. Mr. Austin understands that he must have the new plans and updated abutters listing to the secretary by the 10th of March in order to be on the agenda for Public Hearing in April.

He also will be changing the name of the development and the Board suggested that the new name be on the new plan.

Second he would like to build the model out now, he did state that someone will eventually live in the model after all the homes are built and sold, therefore the Board requests that funds be put in escrow to cover impact fees and stipulation on the building permit that no occupancy permit for a residence will be issued until all homes are sold and the unit can then be converted only if there are residential permits available just as if it were a new home. The occupancy permit issued for the model must state for the model purposes only. The building permit cannot be issued until the Board has seen the Attorney General’s Office agreement and final plans have been signed.

Mr. Austin is still waiting for the Attorney General’s Office on the condo agreement and now with the change in the name the agreement will take longer.

Mr. Austin will let the secretary know when he would like to continue to Public Hearing.

New Business

A letter from Linda Rauter was read. The property she speaks of in the letter has gone through site review and is aware of the lighting ordinance in the zoning. Letter to be sent.

A letter from the Selectmen’s Office in regards to Goosebay Lumber, Carl Mahlstedt has been in contact with the office and is on the agenda for April.

Information from MTS on a change of material to be used, Board requests a letter be sent and they are invited to address the board with the change.

Final CIP letter will be sent.

In need of a road committee.

Letter of Priorities to Selectmen

Motion to adjourn.

Towle/McIntosh                  (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:55pm

        Respectfully submitted,

        Tracy Scott